Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The effects of globalisation on my home town

what has globalisation affected in our life?
To define, globalisation means affecting to the whole world , so imagine a new discovery which can change the world immediately , such as using mobile phones and Internet. Globalisation includes a wide area of effects on different fields of life style . In Tehran , it seems that the most of these effects have been occurred on people's nutrition and life style.

First of all, Iranian's nutrition is being effected of globalisation more than before .Most of people believe that watching more foreign TV channels causes most changes on people's nutrition because nowadays, there are a huge number of attractive fast food advertising on TV programs which are affecting to people . So, many of them prefer eating fast food to using healthy food while they might know about disadvantages of using them. There are fast food restaurants more than before in the city and people like spending their free time eating fast food. In contrast, there were traditional restaurants which served natural food before . Most people used to eat organic and natural.

Secondly, according to some surveys , Iranian people prefer following modern life which people in developed countries enjoy. For example, they would rather use modern goods such as the latest design of cars , new design of electrical goods , renown brands and well-known shops . Most of these goods import from American and European countries and despite the expensive cost, people still buy them . For example, most people are using Microwave to reduce the cooking time while it is expensive to buy and users also have to pay much money on their power bills .

To conclude, in Tehran there are many effects of globalisation which have been affecting in people's life style and nutrition . Most of these effects come from foreign counties and despite their bad effect on life , people still use them .

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